For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
Isaiah 55:8 ESV
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.
Isaiah 55:8 ESV
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I must confess that I don’t understand why God created the universe the way that He did. I know that creation was (and is) tainted by the effect of the Fall, but…roaches and mosquitoes? Cancer? Really? Their purpose alludes me. And why is faith required to understand and build a relationship with our Creator? Wouldn’t it be easier if He just revealed Himself to us in more undeniable ways?
Perhaps you have been able to reconcile these questions in your mind. I haven’t.
On the other hand, if we could really explain everything about God, if there were no mysteries about why and how He runs the universe, what would that tell us? I’m afraid it would tell us that any “god” that fits perfectly in a box constructed by humans would not be big enough to run the universe. Our questions and mysteries simply tell us that the real God is much, much bigger and more complex that we could possibly understand. Picture yourself trying to teach quantum mechanics to your dog!
Scripture is not silent on this issue. From Job to Isaiah to 1st Corinthians, God reminds us that we are NOT in charge and simply don’t have the capacity to understand. Yet, He loves us still.
This Sunday at Trinity Downtown, we’ll be exploring these mysteries together, and finding rest in knowing that a robust faith in God does not require us to have all the answers. Come worship Jesus, our Light, this weekend, and see how you can live a life of significance, filled with meaning. Discover how following Jesus can help you and your family navigate around the minefields of life. I promise you it will make a tremendous difference in your life.
We are back on our regular worship schedule, so you can join us in our traditional worship service on Sunday at 9:00 am, or the contemporary service at 11:15 am. Or, you can watch the “live stream” of either service by clicking here. And, of course, you may also participate by watching the “on demand” video of our contemporary or traditional services by clicking here. You can enhance your worship experience by viewing the traditional service’s worship folder by clicking here. Our weekly prayer list can also be found by clicking here.
You won’t want to miss attending one of our adult Discipleship Hour studies held at 10:15 am on Sunday. Your kids will enjoy learning more about their faith in Discipleship Hour classes appropriate for kids ages 2 through 12th grade.
Our doors will open 30 minutes before the start of each worship service, and you may enter from any door. As always, we ask that if you are not feeling well, please stay home and participate with us online.
You won’t want to miss attending one of our adult Bible studies held at 10:15 am on Sunday. Your kids will enjoy Kingdom Quest, our Sunday School program for children from age 2 through grade 4, and our Sunday morning Youth events.
You can watch the “live stream” of our traditional worship service on Sunday at 9:00 am OR our contemporary worship at 11:15 am by clicking here. And, of course, you may also participate by watching the “on demand” video of either service by clicking here. You can enhance your worship experience by viewing the traditional service’s worship folder by clicking here. Our weekly prayer list can also be found by clicking here.
Please take advantage of our nursery, which is now open to care for children 2 years old and younger on Sunday mornings.