I wonder what the donkey thought. Here she was, just minding her own business and watching over her colt, when two scraggly-looking guys came and untied her. She didn’t know these strangers, and I wonder if she felt a jolt of fear. Did she resist their direction? Did she stubbornly pull back on the rope they were using to guide her? I wonder if she kicked anyone.
Or did the Lord, in His infinite power, somehow inwardly reassure her that she would have the privilege of carrying the Son of God into town? Donkey brains are probably not equipped to analyze such lofty questions. But I’d bet when she saw Jesus, all her fears were extinguished.
Sometimes we can act like donkeys. Stubborn. Unnecessarily fearful. Totally unaware of the Big Picture. This Sunday, as we celebrate Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem riding on the back of a donkey, picture yourself in the role of that donkey. Feel the warmth of Jesus heart, and the responsibility of carrying His message.