Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Luke 12:32,34 ESV
Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Luke 12:32,34 ESV
“But I thought the limit on toilet paper was TWO packages…” Comment by an anonymous Costco shopper I overheard earlier this week.
Dear Members and Friends of Trinity Downtown:
Humans are funny creatures. We tend to place great value on those things we DON’T have, things that are just outside our reach, but tend to undervalue what we DO have. Spouses take each other for granted, we grumble about getting up and going to our steady and fulfilling job and find it difficult juggling all of our social and sports activities with our myriad of commitments to family, church, job and school.
And humans really cherish what we DON’T have. The promotion that so-and-so got that should have been mine; the neighbor’s new car is SO MUCH better than mine; my 70-year-old friend’s full head of hair makes my hair look sparse. The grass is always greener.
Well, things are a bit different now that our collective routines have been smashed to smithereens by the epidemic. Now, we CAN’T attend a sporting match, go to the bar for a beer with a friend, share a nice restaurant meal with our family. We can’t even worship together with all of us in one room. What we took for granted yesterday is now highly prized.
Even, apparently, toilet paper.
Due to the effects of the coronavirus, we’re getting a clearer glimpse into what we should REALLY treasure in life. God made us to be social creatures, to be with each other, support each other, learn from each other, to love each other. Social Distancing has helped us learn a bit more about what our sinful nature subconsciously treasures. So now is the time for us to prayerfully recognize that we should treasure what He has given (and will continue to give) to us. Like worshiping our Lord together using the opportunities open to us.
In response to requests from governmental authorities to limit gatherings of more than 10 people in one place, we have cancelled all events and activities at our campus through at least March 29th. It is possible that this closure will remain in place past Holy Week. But Word, Sacrament and worship continues. Here’s how you can join in:
Online Worship
Last week, we offered a short reflection online. You can watch that video here. Beginning on March 21st, Trinity’s online worship experience will be expanded to be a full worship service conducted in the Sanctuary, including a Children’s Message, and a complete worship folder available so that participants can follow along from home. Watch your email for details on how to access this service.
The worship team is working on innovative ways for us to physically gather for worship even under the current restrictions. Perhaps we’ll be able to offer “drive-in” worship conducted in the EC parking lot while we remain in our cars!
The worship team is also currently discussing innovative ways to make Communion available by offering “drive through” Communion. Stay tuned as we work out the details.
Bible Study
All of the Sunday School and Adult Bible Studies normally held on campus at Trinity are on hiatus. That doesn’t mean you or your kids can’t continue learning the Word. You can go to our Instagram page here to view our daily Red Letter Challenges for you and your children.
Prayer is our lifeline during this time of crisis and stress. Our God invites us to bring our worries and burdens to Him. While our ability to see each other is restricted, the Pastors, Stephen Ministers and staff have started telephoning members of our congregation to check-in, share a prayer, and gather any needs they may have.
We are also opening up the sanctuary for private prayer. To honor the coronavirus restrictions, here’s the process:
If you have a prayer request, you can also use our new prayer email address. Just send your prayer request to prayer@trinitydt.org. We will consider any prayer requests submitted via email to be a private to be shared among the Pastors and key staff, unless you explicitly tell us otherwise.
The ministries of your church are continuing. We’ve seen an upsurge in demand for the sack lunches we provide to the homeless in our community, and we anticipate many of those that work in restaurants, as musicians and for other businesses that are suffering will need our help.
Trinity needs the faithful giving of your tithes and offerings more than ever. You can give online HERE, or mail your check to:
Trinity Lutheran Church
Attn: Contributions Manager
800 Houston, TX 77007
Please join us in prayer for our community, strength for our medical professionals and wisdom for our government leaders. As Christians we are invited to “place all of our cares upon Him, for He cares for us.” The coming months may provide us all an enhanced opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our neighbors. Let’s stay mindful of each other’s needs, and prayerful for our community and nation.