Jesus said to [Martha, just after her brother’s death], “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.” John 11:25 ESV
Jesus said to [Martha, just after her brother’s death], “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.” John 11:25 ESV
Mark your calendars for our church-wide picnic to be held on Sunday, April 24th starting at 11:30 am. We’ll have food from the Holy Smokers, table games and outdoor activities for the whole family at LEAH’s Downtown Academy’s field! We’ll have a big tent, so the picnic will occur rain or shine.
Spring is finally here. Trees are putting out their leaves (and shedding pollen!), flowers are blooming, the grass is turning green, and the weather is getting warm. Pickup trucks representing every nursery and landscaping company in the area fill our neighborhood streets as workers add new plants and strip away those that didn’t survive the winter. Spring’s renewal is in the air.
It happens every year, like clockwork. But on those cold-ish days in January and February, the head-knowledge of spring’s imminent arrival is scoffed at by the bare trees and dormant lawns. In our hearts, it is hard to feel that Spring is just around the corner. The naked trees and sleeping lawns mock our memories.
The same thing can happen to our hearts. When we look around and see war(s) abroad, political division at home, economic distress and inflation, our head-knowledge that Jesus is alive and “on the loose” (as Pastor Finke says) can be muted. Reality, it sometimes seems, mocks our faith.
That’s why we need to get a fresh glimpse of what the resurrected Jesus is busy doing in our world. Redeeming, comforting, directing, and healing. In short, saving us. And boy, do we all need a Savior.
God’s love for us is on full display this Holy Week at Trinity Downtown as we recognize his sacrifice and celebrate his resurrection. Come join us as we contemplate the depth of his sacrifice at our Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services at noon and 6:30 pm. Come renew your faith in Jesus’ resurrection with us on Sunday at 9:00 and 11:15 am.
Come, and invite a friend who might need their faith renewed.
You can join us in our traditional worship service on Sunday at 9:00 am, or the contemporary service at 11:15 am. Or, you can watch the “live stream” of either service by clicking here. And, of course, you may also participate by watching the “on demand” video of our contemporary or traditional services by clicking here. You can enhance your worship experience by viewing the traditional service’s worship folder by clicking here. Our weekly prayer list can also be found by clicking here.
You won’t want to miss attending one of our adult Bible studies held at 10:15 am on Sunday. Your kids will enjoy Kingdom Quest, our Sunday School program for children from age 2 through grade 4, and our Sunday morning Youth events.
Our doors will open 30 minutes before the start of each worship service, and you may enter from any door. As always, we ask that if you are not feeling well, please stay home and participate with us online.
You won’t want to miss attending one of our adult Bible studies held at 10:15 am on Sunday. Your kids will enjoy Kingdom Quest, our Sunday School program for children from age 2 through grade 4, and our Sunday morning Youth events.
You can watch the “live stream” of our traditional worship service on Sunday at 9:00 am OR our contemporary worship at 11:15 am by clicking here. And, of course, you may also participate by watching the “on demand” video of either service by clicking here. You can enhance your worship experience by viewing the traditional service’s worship folder by clicking here. Our weekly prayer list can also be found by clicking here.
Drive-up Communion is offered from 11:00 am until noon each Wednesday and Saturday.
Please take advantage of our nursery, which is now open to care for children 2 years old and younger on Sunday mornings.
I look forward to celebrating the most important event in world history with you this Resurrection Sunday. Come learn how placing your hopes, fears, uncertainties and doubts in the hands of the Lord can lessen our stress load and bring deep transformation in our hearts. Celebrate with us the depth of Jesus’ love for us and find out how you can live a life of significance, filled with meaning. Discover how following Jesus can help you and your family navigate around the minefields of life. I promise you it will make a tremendous difference in your life.
Your Pastor,