We live in a complex world, with a myriad of possible choices. Should we live in the city or a suburb? Buy or rent? How many children should we have? Public or private school? What’s the best college? AT&T or T-mobile? H-E-B or Krogers? What about a high-deductible health plan? And we haven’t even begun to talk about COVID-related choices. Mask up? Give your kids the vaccine?
The list seems endless and the complexities never end.
The religious culture that Jesus grew up in was complex, too. One could follow the Pharisees, with their myriad of commandments and guidelines. Choosing the Essenes would entail renouncing the world and living in a desert commune. Following the Sadducees reduced the religious workload, but increased the political complexities, since you would rub elbows with the hated Roman conquerors.
Jesus, as the author of Reality, saw through all those man-made complexities. Truly following Him will give you space to focus on what REALLY matters—your relationship with God and your neighbors. At the end of the day, all the other stuff is just stuff.