Trinity Update 1.31.25

Trinity Downtown > Blog > Trinity Update 1.31.25
God sees us.And He loves us anyway

Join us this Sunday at Trinity as we continue our study of the book of Exodus and the experiences of Moses and the Israelites in Egypt. We’ll see how God uses broken people for His good and what it means means to be fully known and loved by God.

Please note these upcoming events:

● This Lenten season we will hold the Seder Meal on Maundy Thursday, April 17th. Many volunteers are needed for the success of this event. There will be an initial planning meeting this Sunday, Feb. 2nd at 11:30 AM in room 125. We encourage you to come to the meeting, learn about what type of help is needed and consider how you might contribute. The Seder Meal encompasses First Communion for those students who will have completed First Communion classes and will be especially meaningful as we will be concluding our study of Exodus at that time.

● The Steinway piano gifted to Trinity by the Houston symphony will be dedicated during worship service on February 16th. Guest pianist Scott Holtzhauser and other guests from the Houston Symphony will join us.

First Communion Classes begin for 5th and 6th graders on Sunday February 16th in room 207 from 11:30AM-12:30PM. If your student is planning to be confirmed this year and has not taken first communion, they need to participate in first communion classes. A parent or guardian must participate with the student. Please fill out the registration form here.

Dates for the classes are:
– 2/16/25
– 3/2/25
– 3/16/25
– 3/30/25
– 4/13/25

A call for singers: Trinity members and friends are invited to join the choir for a special presentation of composer John Rutter’s Requiem on Good Friday. See graphic below for details.

● The Trinity Ladies Circle will hold their first meeting of 2025 on Feb. 6th from 10 AM-12 Noon in the Gathering Space. Lonnie Gonzales, Associate Pastor of Outreach will be the guest speaker.

Trinity is partnering with Orphan Grain Train to make 250 hygiene kits. OGT provides these necessities in humanitarian disasters worldwide. You can help by donating goods, time or monies. Scan the QR code below for a list of items needed or visit the OGT table in the foyer. Donations will be accepted through February 9. If you’d like to give a monetary donations for supplies, make your check payable to Trinity and write OGT kits on the memo line. Volunteers will be needed on February 16 to assemble the kits.

The Scripture readings for the service are:

Sunday’s worship folder can be found by clicking here. Sunday’s sermon will be based on:

Exodus 2:11-25
1 Corinthians 12:31b-13:13
Luke 4:31-44

You can watch the “live stream” of our Sunday morning worship service by clicking here. Of course, you may also participate by watching the “on demand” video of any of our previous services by clicking here.

Thankful to be your Pastor,

Michael Dorn

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