Trinity Update 10.25.24

Trinity Downtown > Blog > Trinity Update 10.25.24
Are you clear?

This weekend at Trinity Downtown we’ll continue our exploration of the New Testament book of Acts and hear about the Gospel on trial and how Paul remained unwavering in his message and his commitment to sharing the WORD.

Come join us this Sunday as we learn how we can be clear on the Good News of the resurrection.

Please note these upcoming events:

● The annual Congregational Assembly will be held on Sunday, November 17th following Bible Study Hour. Lunch will be provided by the Holy Smokers.

● Foyer Under Construction: We are in the process of replacing the flooring in the foyer. We will be able to access the sanctuary via the foyer on Sunday. However, there may still be some disruption so please watch your step and observe caution signs. The Sack Lunch Ministry and Welcome Desk staff have been moved to the hallway outside of Pastor Dorn’s office for the week.

This Sunday is Reformation Sunday marking the occasion when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses on the church door in Wittenberg Germany. Red is the color of the day. Wear it if you have it!

● Don’t forget to stop by the gathering space after the service on Sunday and thank Ron Lacy for his 11 years of ministry as CFO to Trinity. There will be a celebration and reception for Ron’s retirement. Cake will be served and there will be baskets available for cards and well wishes.

Election Day is Tuesday November 5th. Trinity Downtown is a Harris County Election Day polling location. If you don’t choose to vote early, you can cast your vote here in the gym from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM

The Scripture readings for the service are:

Sunday’s worship folder can be found by clicking here. Sunday’s sermon will be based on:

● Acts 24:1-11
John 8:31-36

You can watch the “live stream” of our Sunday morning worship service by clicking here. Of course, you may also participate by watching the “on demand” video of any of our previous services by clicking here.

Thankful to be your Pastor,

Michael Dorn

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