Trinity Update 6.21.24

Trinity Downtown > Blog > Trinity Update 6.21.24

God has called us to be His hands and feet to our neighbors.

This weekend at Trinity Downtown, we’ll continue our exploration of the New Testament book of Acts and watch how the Holy Spirit drew people into His church through loving acts of ministry.

Come join your fellow-Christians as we learn how to proclaim God’s love and truth through the Holy Spirit’s power…the same power that energized the early disciples!

Houston’s recent storms have damaged the church building’s roof and landscaping and tore up the playground canopy. I’ve included some pictures below. We estimate that it will cost $20,000 to repair the damage. If you’d wish to contribute toward these repair costs, you may do so by writing “Derecho” on your check, or designating your online gift to the “Derecho Good Riddance” fund option on the online giving platform.

June continues to be a very busy month here at Trinity! Here’s what’s going on:

● This past week, Trinity hosted over 80 students from various churches for a week-long mission trip to Houston starting on June 16th sponsored by World Changers. The students served in various service projects around the city during the day, and participated in worship and Bible study in the evenings. I’ve included some images below.

● Next week, our high school students will be participating in a mission trip to Kentucky sponsored by Next Step Ministries. This will be a life-changing event in their lives, so please shower the mission trip in your prayers.

● Mark your calendars for the Houston Lutheran Chorale will hold their July 4th concert at Trinity at 4:00 pm on 7/4/24.

The Scripture readings for the service are:

Sunday’s worship folder can be found by clicking here. Sunday’s sermon will be based on:

Jobs 38:1-11
Acts 6:1-7
Mark 4:35-41

You can watch the “live stream” of our Sunday morning worship service by clicking here. Of course, you may also participate by watching the “on demand” video of any of our previous services by clicking here.

Thankful to be your Pastor,

Michael Dorn

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