Trinity Update 7.12.24

Trinity Downtown > Blog > Trinity Update 7.12.24

The Lord sometimes uses unexpected encounters to transform our lives.

This week’s hurricane reminds us that God often confronts us with unexpected events that have the power to transform our lives. How is God using Beryl’s aftermath to positively change the course of your relationship with Him and with your neighbors?

This weekend at Trinity Downtown, we’ll continue our exploration of the New Testament book of Acts by marveling at how God suddenly and sovereignly revolutionized the lives of Saul and Ananias. Their encounter with Jesus hugely impacted their lives and accelerated the growth trajectory of the Lord’s nascent Church.

Come join your fellow-Christians this Sunday as we learn how God can use similar events in our lives to energize and transform our lives.

We are very thankful to report that our church campus didn’t suffer any significant damage from Beryl. We continue to pray for those in our community that suffered loss and those who remain without electricity.

Please note that the Youth Shareholder dinner and the Youth lock-in that were scheduled for Friday evening has been rescheduled to July 19th.

The Scripture readings for the service are:

Sunday’s worship folder can be found by clicking here. Sunday’s sermon will be based on:

Acts 9:1-22
Mark 6:14-29

You can watch the “live stream” of our Sunday morning worship service by clicking here. Of course, you may also participate by watching the “on demand” video of any of our previous services by clicking here.

Thankful to be your Pastor,

Michael Dorn

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