God can change our lives when we pray!
This weekend at Trinity Downtown, we’ll continue our exploration of the New Testament book of Acts by seeing how God sometimes miraculously responds to our earnest prayers. His power can radically change our circumstances and our hearts if we simply ask.
Come join your fellow Christians this Sunday as we see how He can bring the same transformation into our lives.
● Mark your calendars now for our annual “Kick-off” Sunday on August 18th. We’ll be celebrating our Discipleship Hour teachers and commissioning them for another year of service, and we’ll be blessing our students (and their backpacks!) as they return to school. The Holy Smokers will be providing lunch, and you’ll get a chance to hear the story of a real-life missionary!
● If your family finds itself with some old (but still serviceable) school backpacks, DON’T discard them! Starting in August, our Sack Lunch Ministry will be collecting your used backpacks that they will then distribute to the unhoused in our community. Receptacles are located in the Narthex, Foyer and Gathering Space.
● Don’t forget we’ll be celebrating Mary Voigt’s service to our church and community on Sunday, August 25th immediately after the 9:00 am worship service. Refreshments are guaranteed!