Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, “What are you seeking?” John 1:38a ESV
Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, “What are you seeking?” John 1:38a ESV
This Sunday we celebrate Epiphany, and the gifts that the Magi gave to our Lord. During their 2-year journey following the Star of Bethlehem to find Jesus, I am sure that there were many occasions in which the Magi argued with one another about whether they were going in the right direction, and whether their faith in the Star was well-placed. Their hunger for the truth kept them on the journey and propelled their story into Scripture and into our hearts.
Like the Magi, our journey can also seem uncertain, the road quite long and loaded with events and people that try to steal our “stuff” and steal our faith. We ask ourselves the question that Jesus asked his disciples: “What are you seeking?” In our honest moments, we realized that we want our lives to consist of something other than working and spending, and then going home to watch TV. Jesus knows our deepest desires for forgiveness, meaning and significance.
You can start 2020 on the right foot by seeking Him this weekend at one of Trinity Downtown’s worship services. Our contemporary Satellite Service is on Saturday at 5:00 pm, and the traditional worship services are Sunday at 8:15 am and 10:50 am. Your kids won’t want to miss our pre-school and student gatherings, and you’ll enjoy making new friends and learning more about your faith in our adult bible study classes, all held at 9:30 am on Sunday.
Come learn how recognizing the true extent of God’s love for each of us can lessen your stress load and restore your joy. Set aside time this weekend to celebrate with us the depth of Jesus’ love, and find out how you can live a life of significance, filled with meaning. Come make new friends and renew old ones.