But Jesus said, “[This crowd of over 5,000] need not go away; you give them something to eat.” They said to him, “We have only five loaves here and two fish.” Matthew 14:16-17 ESV
But Jesus said, “[This crowd of over 5,000] need not go away; you give them something to eat.” They said to him, “We have only five loaves here and two fish.” Matthew 14:16-17 ESV
Sometimes, it seems that God asks us to do the impossible. Like when Jesus commanded His disciples to feed a multitude of hungry people even though they were in the middle of the boonies, seemingly far from any source of food. On the face of it, Jesus’s request was ridiculous. Surely, He didn’t expect this rag tag group of twelve disciples to conjure up dinner for over 5,000 mouths. His hearers probably whispered something unkind under their breath.
Perhaps you’re facing something similar. You look at what you can accomplish, and you look at what is required, and you do the math. Maybe your circumstances are demanding something from you that you can’t possibly deliver. Is the money running out before the month ends? Are you facing a difficult health challenge? Maybe you’re grieving a loss that seems unbearable; maybe the coronavirus has stolen your job, your career or your future. Are you tempted to whisper something under your breath to our Lord that you wouldn’t want published on Facebook? Are you thinking that it would make more sense just to give up?
Jesus’ disciples probably had the same thoughts. So, what did they do? How did they solve the challenge that Jesus had put before them?
They came to Jesus with their problem. They set aside their own ideas of how it might be solved, and simply did what Jesus told them to do. They brought the (very) little they had to offer and left the results up to God.
This weekend at Trinity Downtown, come hear how Jesus reacted to His disciples’ obedience. If you’re facing an impossible situation, come hear what happens when you follow Jesus. You can watch the “live stream” of our Satellite Service at 5:00 pm on Saturday, or our traditional service on Sunday at 8:15 am by clicking here. You may also participate by watching either of these services “on demand” by clicking here. During this stressful time, come be encouraged. Come feel the warmth and joy of His Holy Spirit and hear songs that will bring peace to your heart. Come ready to digest His words of truth and be filled with the surprising love of Jesus so you can share that love and peace with everyone!
You’ll recall that our adult Bible studies and all Sunday School activities will remain online through at least September 6th. Click here to see the details and how you can participate online.
We continue offering the opportunity to participate in “drive-up” Communion each Wednesday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. This allows individuals to stay safely in their car while participating in an Order of Confession & Absolution, Communion and Prayer hosted by one of our pastors. If you wish to participate in this worship opportunity on Wednesday August 5th, please reserve your time slot by calling Stefanie at 713.224.0684. She’s available to take your call from 8:30am – 2:15 pm each weekday.