Have you ever been surprised by God? Do you sometimes feel like He has sent you off into unknown territory, kicking and screaming? Has He called you to love those neighbors? (You know, the ones who are a bit obnoxious, and are just not part of the “in” group?)
Peter experienced something similar. God pushed the nascent Church into broadening their horizons; He wanted them to share the Good News to Gentiles. Many early Christians fought tooth and toenail against this idea, and the New Testament book of Acts chronicles the long struggle. Thank God the early believers eventually got in step with God, or else most of us wouldn’t have come to faith!
There is a prayer in our liturgy that speaks to this: “Lord God, You have called your servants to ventures of which we cannot see the ending, by paths as yet untrodden, through perils unknown. Give us the faith to go out with good courage, not knowing where we go but only that Your hand is leading us and Your love supporting us…”
If you’re feeling the tug of the Holy Spirit to do something outside your comfort zone, you’re in good company! Come to Trinity Downtown this weekend, where you can hear what Jesus has to say to your heart. Come as we celebrate the power of God to transform our hearts and lives. Come, and invite a friend who might need their faith renewed.