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You Are Treasured

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Matthew 13:44 ESV

You’ve never looked into the eyes of someone that Jesus didn’t love.

When’s the last time you stumbled on a positive surprise? Perhaps it was while you were wearily searching for a new home or apartment, and unexpectedly found “just the right place.” Maybe it was the first time you saw your future spouse, heard your new baby’s heartbeat during an ultrasound, or when you received the call from the adoption agency that you’d been chosen. Was it seeing your first car? Experiencing your first kiss? Seeing the landmarks of a new city from an airplane for the first time?

Do you remember how you felt at that moment? Maybe your heart rate went up or your palms got a little sweaty. Perhaps you sensed the rush of adrenaline sweeping through your body. Here’s another surprise: that’s the way God looks at you and me. We are His treasure, for whom Jesus gave His life. How does that make you feel?

We’ll be exploring this joyful topic together this weekend at Trinity Downtown. You can watch the “live stream” of our Satellite Service at 5:00 pm on Saturday, or our traditional service on Sunday at 8:15 am by clicking here. You may also participate by watching either of these services “on demand” by clicking here.  During this stressful time, come be encouraged. Come feel the warmth and joy of His Holy Spirit and hear songs that will bring peace to your heart. Come ready to digest His words of truth and be filled with the surprising love of Jesus so you can share that love with everyone!

You’ll recall that our adult Bible studies and all Sunday School activities will remain online through at least September 6th. Click here to see the details and how you can participate online.

We continue offering the opportunity to participate in “drive-up” Communion each Wednesday from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. This allows individuals to stay safely in their car while participating in an Order of Confession & Absolution, Communion and Prayer hosted by one of our pastors. If you wish to participate in this worship opportunity on Wednesday July 29th, please reserve your time slot by calling Stephanie at 713.224.0684. She’s available to take your call from 8:30am – 2:15 pm each weekday.

During this time when each of us could use a pleasant surprise, God has given us the opportunity to hear His Word and demonstrate His love to our family and neighbors. Instead of worrying, let’s cast our cares and worries on the strong shoulders of Jesus.

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