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Experiencing God

[Jesus] said to them, “Come and you will see.” So they came and saw… John 1:39a ESV

Social scientists and marketing professionals tell us that our culture is moving away from our past obsession with accumulating “stuff” and choosing instead to spend discretionary income on accumulating “experiences.” This flies in the face of what advertisers have been conditioning us to do for at least a century; manufacturers have always tried to get us to buy the latest toy rather than sticking with what we already have. Younger Americans are finding that possessions are a drag; they must be maintained, repaired and lugged around when we relocate our homestead. The current crop of young adults is generally buying fewer homes and aren’t as obsessed with buying expensive automobiles as their parents are. Rather, they often opt to travel internationally, expand their education, invest in a “side gig” and/or spend more time and money with their friends at the local watering hole. They are opting to build strong relationships rather than bigger portfolios.

That’s similar to what God is calling us to do as Christians. Jesus invites us come experience what it is like to follow Him. Being a Christian isn’t just a sterile exercise in following certain rules, engaging in certain rituals, or believing certain creeds. Following Jesus also means we “come and see”; we engage in a life-long relationship-building journey with Him. Along the way with Jesus we’ll experience joys we never anticipated and fight important battles and achieve victories which we might have otherwise sidestepped.  And just like Andrew, we are all commissioned to invite other people to “come and see” Jesus too, so they can walk alongside us as we all follow His lead.

This weekend at Trinity Downtown we’ll be discussing the “John” stained glass window and talk about John’s extraordinary experiences as he followed Jesus. Your kids won’t want to miss our “Kingdom Quest” pre-school and student gatherings, and you’ll enjoy making new friends and learning more about your faith in our expanded array of adult bible study classes, all held at 9:30 am on Sunday.

Come learn how placing our faith and fears in the hands of Jesus can lessen our stress load and bring deep transformation in our hearts. Celebrate with us the depth of Jesus’ love for us and find out how you can live a life of significance, filled with meaning. Discover how following Jesus can help you and your family navigate around the minefields of life.

Come get a fresh jolt of spiritual energy at Trinity Downtown. It will make a tremendous difference in your life.

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