Bible Study

Trinity Downtown > Bible Study


Looking for Houston bible study classes? Then look no further. As Trinity Downtown encourages and supports its community to grow deeply in their faith in Jesus, we provide a variety of in-person and online Bible studies, discipleship classes, and growth opportunities at various times throughout the week. View our schedule and class offerings below to find a class that best suits you!


Begins September 8
In Person Class
Room 123 @ 10:15am – 11:15am
Led by Pastor Michael P. Dorn


Class for those interested in becoming a member of Trinity Downtown and those desiring a refresh on Christian Faith. 

Who Is Welcome?
This study is for individuals interested in joining Trinity Downtown and those wanting a refresh on the Christian Faith.

In Person Class
Gathering Space @ 10:15am – 11:15am
Led by Led by Maddie Meier


The young adults will be studying Psalms 90-106. Those Psalms center around the Reign of God and we will focus on looking for His reign in our lives. There will be a heavy emphasis on prayer and learning to pray the Scriptures as we study.

Who Is Welcome?
Age is but a number.  This bible study is geared towards anyone that would consider themself a “young adult”.  Whether you are a seeker, a new Christian, or a seasoned disciple this space is for you.

About The Leader:
Maddie Meier works as a School Psychologist in Dickinson ISD.  She has been attending Trinity Downtown since 2017 and became a member in 2020.  She is so excited to meet and dive into God’s Word with other young adults.

Both In-Person & Virtual Class
Room 205 @ 10:15am – 11:15am

Led by Jim Cleary


God, who “gives us richly all things to enjoy,” wants us to live in freedom, trusting Him and learning to manage our gifts wisely and generously. By pointing to His trustworthiness and generosity, this study will help you rest in the peace He offers. How can we become generous people?  How can we become joyful in our generosity?


About The Leader:
Jim Cleary is the husband of Pat, dad to Catie, Tim and Jack, and very happily, grandpa to Oliver. He and Pat have been members of Trinity since 1992. He is a graduate of Texas A&M University and the University of Virginia School of Law. He is a partner in the law firm of Martin, Disiere, Jefferson & Wisdom, L.L.P.

Who Is Welcome?
This class is geared to all, from new believer to seasoned disciple.

Meeting ID: 818 9845 4089
Passcode: 752016
In Person Class
Room 124 @ 10:15am – 11:15am
Led by John Reisig

In this study, each Sunday offers a single stand alone topic. The material covered each week will provide a meaningful experience for regular participants, visitors to Trinity Downtown, and for those simply looking to get back into a routine of attending Bible study. The single topic format insures that no one will be lost or feel behind during the study, and will feel welcome and encouraged to attend at any time. Bibles will be provided and utilized each week. Providing historical context to the scriptural message, and modern application of His word, the Bible will “Come Alive,” and show that God has been working throughout history, and is still working today out of love for His people.

About The Leader:
John and his wife Janice are both trained Lutheran school teachers and all four of their children are graduates of Lutheran High North here in Houston.


Who Is Welcome?
This study is ideal for new Christians, seasoned disciples, as well as the occasional participant/guest.

In Person Class
Room 206 @ 10:15am – 11:15am
Led by Mike and Katherine Gilmore


It definitely takes a village. Come join in a refreshing and engaging Bible study tailored for young families, to help build our community. This study offers a relaxed, interactive environment where parents can come together to explore Scripture, share insights, and grow in faith as a community. We will take a book club/discussion format, rotating a new book or topic every few months. Materials will be provided, if needed.

Who Is Welcome?
This study is interactive. This is a wonderful study for parents and soon to be parents.

Virtual Class
@ 7:00pm – 8:00pm 

Led by Pastor Paul Dorn


The Apostle John wrote these letters in a time when Christians were in danger of being deceived by false teachers who were eroding the right understanding of the person and work of Jesus. This in turn eroded the right understanding of faith and godly living. Our study in these letters will reassure us that Jesus is the Word of Life, the Christ, come in the flesh. We can be confident before God that His commandment is that we believe in Jesus and love one another.

About The Leader:
Paul Dorn is a retired pastor with a long interest in New Testament study. He is a member of Trinity Lutheran Church Downtown. He is married. His wife’s name is Betty.

Who Is Welcome?
This study is ideal for a seasoned disciple, new Christians, as well as the occasional participant/guest.

Please email Paul Dorn ( and he will send you his class notes and a link to the class session on Zoom. You will need a computer, laptop, or phone.


Both In-Person & Virtual Class
Room 205 @ 10:00am – 11:30am

Led by Karen Maynard

This study is part of the LifeLight Bible study series of in-depth studies of Bible books. The goal of LifeLight is that through a regular program of in-depth personal and group study of Scripture, more and more Christian adults may grow in their personal faith in Jesus Christ.

About The Leader:
Karen has been a member of Trinity for over 25 years. She has been a part of the Sunday School program for about 23 years. At Trinity she have served on the Commission for Missions and Evangelism, the Facilities MAT and the Sunday School MAT. She has also been a part of the Christmas Pageant group and the Seder planning group over the years.

Who Is Welcome?
This women’s study is ideal for new Christians, seasoned disciples, as well as the occasional participant/guest.


Meeting ID: 894 0799 9986
Passcode: 581890


houston bible study
Virtual Class
6:30pm – 7:30pm

Led by Mary Oliver


Join us on Zoom for Wednesday Evening Women’s Bible Study as we read and discuss the Epistle of James. In his letter, James challenges Christians, who have faith in Jesus as their Savior, but live in a way that is indistinguishable from the world.  James encourages all believers to live out their faith in practical ways.  As we take James’ words to heart, we can experience God working so that Christ shines in us and we can be a blessing to others.

Please join us. We meet on Wednesday evenings on Zoom from 6:30 to 7:45 p.m.


About The Leader:
Mary Oliver is a retired elementary teacher, long time Trinity member, and Bible study enthusiast.

Virtual Class
@ 7:00pm – 8:00pm

Led by Jim Cleary

Midweek check-in

About The Leader:
Jim Cleary is the husband of Pat, dad to Catie, Tim and Jack, and very happily, grandpa to Oliver. He and Pat have been members of Trinity since 1992. He is a graduate of Texas A&M University and the University of Virginia School of Law. He is a partner in the law firm of Martin, Disiere, Jefferson & Wisdom, L.L.P.

Who Is Welcome?
Intended as a small group check in for those that typically attend Jim’s Sunday morning study.


Meeting ID: 847 2188 0760
Passcode: 451594


Virtual Class
@ 7:30am – 8:30am

Led by Pastor Donald Black

This member led virtual class primarily discusses the scripture readings assigned for the following Sunday.  The class is open to men and women.  We plan to follow this member-led format while Pastor Black is recovering from his recent illness.  For more information contact Bill Fischer at 832.459.3241 or the church office.

About The Leader:
Pastor Black serves as Trinity Downtown’s Caring Pastor and has served his entire ministry of over 60 years at Trinity.

Who Is Welcome?
The class is open to men and women. This study is ideal for new Christians, occasional participants/guests and features an interactive discussion format.


Meeting ID: 996 7140 2671
Password: 149146

Dial-In Phone Number: +1(346)-248-7799
PIN: 99671402671#

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