Trinity Downtown is a community of Christians who are mindful of God’s infinite love for us as expressed in the life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus. God loved each one of us so much that He gave laws meant to show us the best way to live and sent His Son to rebuild our relationship with God. Because of what Jesus has done for us, we can enjoy a joyful relationship with God and with each other both now and forever.
We hear God calling us to build a church with a web of strong, diverse and resilient relationships of Houstonians who see Trinity Downtown as the center of their relationship with Jesus, as well as the center of their social and cultural lives. We provide a safe and mutually-supportive atmosphere for mature Christians, while intentionally building “on-ramps” for skeptics or those that have not had any exposure to the claims of Christ or have any familiarity with the Bible.
So, succinctly put, Trinity Downtown’s mission is “Joyfully sharing Christ’s saving love with all people, now.”