Worship is a key component of our Christian way of life. The past several years have presented challenges, however our mission stays the same: to joyfully share Christ’s saving love with all people now.
Worship is a key component of our Christian way of life. The past several years have presented challenges, however our mission stays the same: to joyfully share Christ’s saving love with all people now.
In October 2022 we initiated a capital campaign to support the enhancement of our worship space. All of us have benefited from the contributions of the generations before us, and now is our opportunity to contribute to the facility which will bless future generations to come. Our prayer is that the impact of this renovation serves to magnify (make greater) the Lord, and to facilitate our worship of Him together at Trinity as brothers and sisters in Christ (Psalm 34:3)
• Replacing the flooring and pews in the sanctuary
• Renovating the restrooms in the foyer
• Improving the lighting and sound system in the sanctuary
Additionally, in anticipation of holding services in the gym while the sanctuary is being renovated, the lighting in the gym will be enhanced starting in January 2023.
Take a look at the Project Renderings for the Trinity Downtown Renovation below!
We will be sharing more about this campaign in the weeks ahead and we encourage you to prayerfully consider how you might support this missional need. Please reach out as you have questions or concerns to the Capital Campaign Directors listed below.
Rachel Calafell
Dag Calafell
Jim Schulien
Wendy Schulien
Kris Sonneborn
Katherine Gilmore
a) To magnify the use of our facilities to support our worship of Jesus
b) Facilities MAT and Master planning committee formulated list of priorities/needs
c) The Congregation approved the first of a series of “mini” capital campaign at November 2021’s Congregational Assembly focused on Sanctuary improvements because
i) Facilities are showing their age
ii) To plan ahead for expensive asset replacement/repair
iii) Eliminate the need for us to incur debt to refresh the Sanctuary
d) Data suggests that we have a tremendous opportunity to further increase our virtual and on-campus outreach capabilities.
i) Reenergized cooperation with strategic partners (e.g. CASA, LEAH, HSC, LINC) will result in more campus events
ii) In 2021 Facebook posts reached 22,000 viewers (up 80% since 2020!); Instagram posts also increased.
iii)Hybrid meetings are the new normal and present new opportunities
iv) Treating live streaming as “a front porch” introduction is a vital part of our outreach efforts, while also meeting the needs of our members who cannot always be physically present for worship.
e) A refresh of the Sanctuary and adjacent spaces along with upgrades that improve our live streaming quality will help us with the above.
a) Replace the flooring and pews in the sanctuary
b) Improve the lighting and sound system in the sanctuary to enhance worship and streaming
c) Renovate the restrooms in the foyer adjacent to the chancel
d) Improve the lighting in the gym and other small changes that will make the gym more effective as a venue for social events and worship
a) We will be adding approximately 2 inches of space between the pews, so the number of pews will be slightly reduced to 46 rows from our current configuration of 48.
a) In 2019 and early 2020, the Facility Planning team worked with our architect (Gensler) to create a Master Facility Plan for renewing and renovating the Sanctuary and Christian Life building. This included plans to:
i) Refresh the Sanctuary flooring, pews, lighting, and sound
ii) Refresh the foyer and gym, and add some kitchen facilities to the concession room
iii) Add a stairway to the basement
iv) Refresh the fellowship hall, adding restrooms and a central check-in station
v) Relocate the Youth Room near the gym
vi) Greatly enlarge the Gathering Space
vii) Change the main entrance and add a porte cochere
viii) Relocate the administrative offices to the existing “mezzanine” level
b) These plans were put on hold in 2020 in response to the COVID pandemic
c) In November 2021, the Congregation approved a capital campaign to fund the portion of the Master Plan aimed at refreshing the Sanctuary for approximately $750,000
a) The Facilities Master Planning Team was formed in 2019 and comprises a wide cross section of the congregation, including a number of members who have professional construction and design expertise. The team made some preliminary color palette guidelines in 2019 and early 2020 and has subsequently worked with Gensler to make the final selections.
b) The Team also reviewed numerous alternatives for replacing the pews (including a site visit to a local church) that informed their choice of the pew manufacturer and model.
a) Online worshippers will enjoy the brighter lighting on the Chancel and the balcony, as well as sound that is customized for TV viewing rather than for in-house listening. Overall, the quality of our streamed worship services will increase, which will reinforce Trinity Downtown as a church that values virtual participants.
b) In-person worshipers will sense an increase in the “speech intelligibility” of the spoken words, as well as enjoy the more modern flooring and restroom areas.
a) Yes, we have renderings available, and they will be updated as more information is available.
a) The cost of refinishing versus replacing is approximately the same as replacement.
b) New pews are more ergonomically proportioned to accommodate larger-sized persons and will be more comfortable for everyone.
c) Refurbishing the existing pews would take months, and the Sanctuary would be “out of service” during the entire time. Removing the existing pews and replacing them with new ones can be accomplished within 3-4 weeks.
a) We will attempt to locate a church that might use them. If we cannot find a way to donate them, we are considering using the end pieces of the pews as commemorative gifts to be given to capital campaign donors.
a) The start-up costs for the Sanctuary and restroom renovations will be funded by current cash reserves, which will eventually be replenished by the campaign contributions. This will allow work to start the Sanctuary improvements before all the pledges have been received. This will allow us to minimize the impact of inflation on the cost and enable us to refresh the Sanctuary without incurring debt.
b) We have already received generous gifts that are designated for improving the gym lighting, upgrading the Sanctuary’s sound system, and funds that may be used to toward replacing the pews. These gifts will reduce the amount of funds that must be raised by the Magnify Capital Campaign.
a) Anticipated start is early January 2023
b) Anticipated finish is end of March 2023
c) Goal is to be able to hold Easter Sunday services in the renovated sanctuary
a) 15 month campaign running from October 2022 through December 2023
b) The campaign will start on October 2
c) Commitment Sunday is October 23
d) First Fruits Sunday is October 30
e) All pledges to be received by December 31, 2023
a) Both the traditional and contemporary services will be held in the gym. Improvements to the gym lighting will be finished before the sanctuary renovations begin.
a) The Education Center’s Multi-Purpose Room used by our Spanish-language partner (CASA de Oracion) on Sunday mornings for their worship service, so it is not available as an interim meeting location.
a) We have already embedded the already-scheduled weddings into the construction timetable so they may continue as planned.
b) We’ve notified all of our strategic partners that use the Sanctuary of our construction plans, and we’re actively working with them to relocate their use of our space to other areas on Trinity’s campus.
c) Unplanned activities, like funerals, that occur during the period of time that the Sanctuary is unavailable will be held in other venues on campus, e.g. the gym.
a) The Foyer restrooms will be out of service during their reconstruction
a) No, there will be no impact on other activities at the church that don’t utilize the Sanctuary.
a) The minimum fundraising target for the Magnify campaign is $750,000.
b) The entire project is expected to cost over $1.1 million, but we have gifts that have been designated that reduce the net cost of the project to just under $1 million.
c) So, our “stretch” fund raising goal is $1 million.
a) Complete the online commitment card
b) Return the physical commitment card that will be mailed to your home and will be available in the various locations around the campus
a) Yes! Please contact Ron Lacy at 713.229.2970 if you have these kinds of financial instruments that you’d like to donate.
a) Either alternative is perfectly acceptable