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What’s That In Your Hand?

The Lord said to [Moses], “What is that in your hand?” He said, “A staff.”  Exodus 4:2 ESV

This is the time of year we look ahead, set goals and make plans. We are urged to lose weight, get more exercise, eat a healthier diet, save money for retirement or a memorable vacation, finish a degree, or seek a new job. We look for the new opportunities God has given us and think about how we can solve some of the obstacles in our way.

Our church is no exception. God is always doing something fresh in our hearts, and there are new generations that He wants to incorporate into His church. We want our children and grandchildren to partake of the same blessings we’ve experienced, and we want our great-grandchildren to celebrate Trinity’s 200th anniversary.

To that end, during the last four months we’ve engaged in a collaborative process meant to build our understanding of where Trinity’s strengths are, compiling a list of challenges that need to be overcome, and asking God for His guidance in 2020.  We go through this process every year to continually clarify where we sense God is leading us. And we’ve been doing this for many years.

This weekend, we’ll be sharing some of our thinking on our plans for 2020 (and beyond) and how they might come to fruition.  We are especially blessed to have Dr. Don Christian with us this weekend. Don currently serves as the President & CEO of Concordia University in Austin. He was also a member at Trinity Downtown years ago when the “Trinity 2020” strategic plan was developed!  Don and I will be sharing some fundamental changes and challenges that have arisen since the original Trinity 2020 plan was inaugurated, and we’ll be celebrating how God can continue to use Trinity Downtown to reach out to our community in the coming years.

On Sunday, your kids won’t want to miss our “Kingdom Quest” pre-school and student gatherings, and you’ll enjoy making new friends and learning more about your faith in our expanded array of adult bible study classes, all held at 9:30 am.

This weekend, come be reminded of all that God has done and be challenged with the task that is ahead. Come be reminded how placing our faith and fears in the hands of Jesus can lessen our stress load and bring deep transformation in our hearts. Celebrate with us the depth of Jesus’ love for us and find out how you can live a life of significance, filled with meaning.  Discover how following Jesus can help you and your family navigate around the minefields of life.

Come get a fresh jolt of spiritual energy at Trinity Downtown. It will make a tremendous difference in your life.

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