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When Jesus tells it like it is

‘The poor man died and was carried by the angels to Abraham’s side. The rich man also died and was buried, and in Hades, being in torment, he lifted up his eyes… Luke 16:22-23a ESV

Here’s how you can participate:
    • Don’t forget our special Congregational Assembly being held at 10:15am on Sunday, September 25th in the Gym. The congregation will be considering the Call of Pastor Lonnie Gonzales as Associate Pastor focusing on Outreach Ministries. Please bring a digital device that will allow you to access your email so you can vote digitally.
    • Remember, all Discipleship Hour classes are being cancelled this Sunday, September 25th, and the Assembly will include a Bible-study component appropriate for both adults and children. Students from 3-18 years old are welcome to attend the Assembly in the gym, while parents of youngsters from 0-2 years of age may are utilize the Nursery. 
    • Very soon, we’ll be launching our next capital campaign focused on renewing the Sanctuary. Look for more information on the “Magnify” campaign in the coming weeks.  
    • The periodic “Faith Discovery” class taught by Pastor Dorn is on hiatus this Sunday, but will restart on October 2 in room 123 during the Discipleship Hour. If you are interested in membership at Trinity Downtown, or just want a refresher on the foundations of our faith, please feel free to join this eight-week class.x

Click below to participate in Adult Bible Studies!

Give your tithes and offerings online below!

Dear Members and Friends of Trinity Downtown:

We’ve all heard Jesus’ parable/story about the rich guy (who’s not even given a name in the Bible story) and the poor guy, who DOES have a name (Lazarus). How the rich guy lived a sumptuous life literally within yards of a poor beggar whom he apparently never even noticed. Lazarus didn’t have enough to eat, and apparently lived without the equivalent of medical insurance. Both eventually died, with Lazarus going to heaven and the rich dude (without even stopping at “Go” to collect $200) was unceremoniously dumped in Hades. The rich guy, who represents what many of us strive to become, turns out to be the one who is hopeless in God’s eyes.

This is a tough story to hear, but being the smartest man to ever live, Jesus knew what He was talking about. He’s NOT telling us that being rich is bad or that being poor is a virtue, nor is He predicting who will, in the end, “win” and who will “lose”. Jesus IS telling us that, whatever our economic status, we should follow Him in using He has given us to help others. Even if we are struggling financially, we can still treat everyone we meet as an image-bearer of God Himself. 

This Sunday at Trinity Downtown, we’ll be discussing Jesus’ challenge to us on what it REALLY means to unselfishly use what He has given us…not just for our own comfort, but for the benefit of our community and God’s invisible Kingdom. Come learn how placing your doubts, suffering, distractions, hopes, fears, uncertainties in the hands of the Lord can lessen our stress load and bring deep transformation in our hearts. Celebrate with us the depth of Jesus’ love for us and find out how you can live a life of significance, filled with meaning.  Discover how following Jesus can help you and your family navigate around the minefields of life. I promise you it will make a tremendous difference in your life

This Weekend at Trinity Downtown

(September 25th)

You can join us in our traditional worship service on Sunday at 9:00 am, or the contemporary service at 11:15 am. Or, you can watch the “live stream” of either service by clicking here. And, of course, you may also participate by watching the “on demand” video of our contemporary or traditional services by clicking here.  You can enhance your worship experience by viewing the traditional service’s worship folder by clicking here. Our weekly prayer list can also be found by clicking here.

You won’t want to miss attending one of our adult Bible studies held at 10:15 am on Sunday. Your kids will enjoy Kingdom Quest, our Sunday School program for children from age 2 through grade 4, and our Sunday morning Youth events.

Our doors will open 30 minutes before the start of each worship service, and you may enter from any door. As always, we ask that if you are not feeling well, please stay home and participate with us online. 

You won’t want to miss attending one of our adult Bible studies held at 10:15 am on Sunday. Your kids will enjoy Kingdom Quest, our Sunday School program for children from age 2 through grade 4, and our Sunday morning Youth events.

Watch Online

You can watch the “live stream” of our traditional worship service on Sunday at 9:00 am OR our contemporary worship at 11:15 am by clicking here. And, of course, you may also participate by watching the “on demand” video of either service by clicking here.  You can enhance your worship experience by viewing the traditional service’s worship folder by clicking here. Our weekly prayer list can also be found by clicking here.

Please take advantage of our nursery, which is now open to care for children 2 years old and younger on Sunday mornings.

I look forward to seeing you Sunday!

Your Pastor,

Michael Dorn

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