Finding Strength To Persevere

Trinity Downtown > Blog > Finding Strength To Persevere

Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him. Philippians 2:12b-13 NLT

Picture this: you’ve just been chosen for a prestigious assignment at your workplace. There were many potential candidates, but only a select handful were picked. It’s a very visible job, with lots of “face time” with the Big Whigs. It could really set your career on a whole new track, and you’re very excited and thankful.

But the project timeline and hours worked were long, and you might not see the fruits of your labor for years. The Boss didn’t show up as often as you expected, and you found other members of the team to be overachievers. Honestly, they were sometimes a pain to be around. The exciting new project morphed into a long, dull slog. It was just another task on your ever-expanding task list.

Your initial enthusiasm waned.

Have you ever found yourself in this position? Perhaps at work, school, or in a relationship. Most importantly, in your relationship with God?

This Sunday at Trinity Downtown, we’ll be beginning a new sermon series entitled “Oil & Water.” This weekend, we’ll discuss Jesus’ parable of the “Ten Bridesmaids” which vividly describes what happens when we get sloppy in our faith walk.  We’ll also have a chance to commemorate Trinity Downtown’s 141st anniversary and remember the hard work of our forefathers who built and maintained our church community. We’ll also be celebrating our veterans who have served/are serving in our armed forces.

So please plan on joining us either in-person or virtually at Trinity Downtown this weekend at our contemporary service on Saturday at 5:00 pm or our traditional worship service on Sunday at 9:00 am. Reservations are required to attend either in-person worship service; you can see the details at  You may also make a reservation by calling Stefanie at 713.224.0684 from 8:30-2:30 each weekday. If you are not comfortable attending an in-person service, you can watch the “live stream” of our Satellite Service at 5:00 pm on Saturday, or our traditional service on Sunday at 9:00 am by clicking here. And, of course, you may also participate by watching either of these services “on demand” by clicking here.

Get a fresh jolt of spiritual caffeine this weekend at Trinity Downtown as we celebrate God’s goodness and learn more about how we can “work hard to show the results of your salvation.” Join us; it will make a tremendous difference in your life.

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