Our nation is in the midst of another pandemic. This one isn’t medical like COVID; it’s an epidemic of anxiety. Study after study and poll after poll indicate that we’re experiencing a dramatic rise in fear of the future. Whether it is the distressing levels of political and social polarization, inflation, the stock market, the war in Ukraine, the increase in the number of “nones”, or rising tension with China, there’s not a lot of good news floating around. The system is under great stress.
Things weren’t any better in Jesus’ day. Just think—Palestine was in the grip of a hostile (and pagan) occupying power, filled with talk of civil war and riven with political polarization.
Despite those facts, in our Gospel reading for Sunday Jesus tells His disciples “don’t be afraid”. He repeats it three times. Don’t be afraid if you are dragged to court for being a Jesus follower. Don’t be afraid if you are driven by persecution from one town to the next. Just… “don’t be afraid”.
I’m sure Jesus would say the same thing to us. Take a moment right now, close your eyes, and picture Him saying to you “Son/Daughter, you don’t need to be afraid of [insert what keeps you up at night here.] Put your faith in Me, not in your ability to handle or control everything.”
Come this Sunday to Trinity Downtown and join the throng of beloved sinners hear Jesus say “Don’t be afraid.” It will make a world of difference in your life.