● Trinity offers the opportunity to REALLY celebrate Thanksgiving with your family. Come worship with us on Thanksgiving Day at 9:00 am!
● November is the time of year we consider thankfulness and generosity and Commitment Sunday is coming up November 26th. Please prayerfully consider what the Lord is calling you to give during 2024. You can submit your Commitment card online, or pick up a card in the Narthex or Foyer.
● Be on the lookout for street construction on Houston Avenue near that is scheduled to being this week.
● Help decorate the Sanctuary for Christmas on Sunday, November 26th! Lunch for the volunteers will be served at 11:30am, and you’ll be finished in time to attend the Casulana concert at 2:30!
● Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 3rd to hear the Concordia-Texas choir sing during our 9:00 am worship service.
● The Holy Smokers will be selling brisket and pulled pork on Sunday, December 10th. Place your order by December 1st by calling Stefanie at 713.224.0684 weekdays from 8:30-2:30, or signing up at the Welcome Desk on Sunday.
● Mark your calendars to hear Casulana, the Women’s choir of Houston, as they present “Sounds of the Season” in Trinity’s Sanctuary at 3:00 pm on December 3rd. Half-price tickets are available for sale at the Welcome Center until noon on December 3rd.