● Our daily Advent devotional videos start on Monday, December 4th. This year’s theme is “Angels in Advent”. Be watching for an email link on Monday-Saturday each day of Advent with a link to the daily devotional. You may also see all of the previous devotions at our YouTube channel here.
● You can honor a loved one by ordering Christmas poinsettias that will adorn the Chancel on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. You may order online, or by filling out a form at the Welcome Desk. The deadline is Sunday, December 17th.
● This is the time of year we prayerfully consider what the Lord is calling us to give toward the operation of the church during 2024. You can submit your 2024 Commitment card online, or pick up a card in the Narthex or Foyer.
● Be sure to pick up our Advent Activities card sets for your students in the Narthex and Gathering Space!
● We are collecting cold weather gear for the unhoused population in our community. Jackets, stocking caps, socks and gloves may be placed in the marked receptacles in the Foyer.
● Street construction on Houston Avenue near the church. Traffic is often congested traveling both northbound and southbound on Houston Ave.