● To deepen your Lenten journey, watch your email inbox for the daily Lenten video devotionals that started yesterday. You can follow along with each day’s devotional Scripture reading by using the Desert Life bookmarks that will be distributed this Sunday and are attached to each devotional email.
● Have you noticed the beautiful flowers that adorn our Sanctuary each Sunday? If you’d like to honor a loved one, celebrate a milestone in your life, or simply want to contribute to our worship experience, please sign up on the Flower Chart that is hanging in the foyer by the Welcome Desk. You may also call the Welcome hostess (713.229.2950) to sign up.
● The Wind Symphony from Concordia University Chicago will perform a concert of sacred and secular music at Trinity Downtown on Saturday, March 2nd at 4 p.m. Admission is free!
● Mark your calendars now for the “Living Last Supper” presentation on Thursday evening, March 28th.
● Become a “shareholder” in our Youth program, and help support our student ministry’s mission trips in 2024!
● The next Faith Discovery class starts on April 7th. Please join us in prayer that God will bring many new souls to His Kingdom and to Trinity!
● Mark your calendars for Sunday, March 3rd for our Go Texan Rodeo Chili Cook-off & BBQ! Sign-up at the Welcome Desk to enter your chili in the contest! Remember to invite your family and friends; invitation cards are available in the Narthex, Foyer, and Gathering Space.
● Haley’s famous “Easter in a box” children’s activities will be available on March 24th. Reserve your family’s box online here.
● Thrivent members may direct their “Thrivent Choice” dollars to Trinity. Click here to see more details!